Pregateste-te de festival cu / Pack up for festivals with

Doamnelor si domnilor...A VENIT VARA! Si o data cu ea incepe si sezonul festivalurilor: muzica multa si buna, corturi ascunse la umbra padurilor dese, reintalniri cu prieteni vechi pe care nu i-ai mai vazut de ani de zile, ce poate fi mai placut? Si totusi exista anumite aspecte care pot transforma cateva zile de festival intr-o experienta neplacuta, mai ales cand stai ore in sir in soarele puternic, cand dusul e un lux sau cand ai uitat numarul de telefon al prietenei din copilarie. Cu ajutorul lui, comunitatea artizanilor handmade din Romania, o sa fac o lista cu cateva lucruri pe care trebuie sa le luati cu voi pentru o escapada reusita.
Ladies and gents...SUMMER IS HERE! And it's time for festivals seazon: lots and lots of good music, tents hiding in the forest's shadows, meeting old friends you haven't seen for years, what can be more pleasant? Although, there can be some aspects that can transform a few festival days in a very unpleasant experience, especially when you sit for hours in the burning sun, when showering is a luxury you can't afford or you forgot you childhood friend's phone number. So today,, the Romanian handmade community, will help me make a list of must-have thing for a successful adventure

1. O rochie subtire si foarte foarte comoda de la Larrange care sa iti permita sa dansezi toata seara dar si sa alergi de la o scena la alta ca sa nu pierzi vreuna din formatiile favorite
1. A very light and comfy dress from Larrange which will allow you to dance all night and run from one stage to another to make sure you don't miss one of your favorite bands

2. O geanta mare in care sa poti baga cat mai multe lucruri ca sa nu fi nevoita sa faci ture cort-scena si sa pierzi momente esentiale. Insa LeeLuRecycle vine cu un bonus si adauga la geanta crosetata si o pereche de sandale asortate, super comode care sa te poarte peste tot fara nici o batatura.
2. A big messenger bag to fit as many things as possible so you won't have to go back and forth from your tent to the stage and miss some important moments. But LeeLuRecycle comes with a bonus and adds to her crochet bag a pair of assorted flip flops, super comfy, that will carry you around without any blisters

3. Vei sta mult in soare. Stii asta si ti-ai dorit din tot sufletul sa vina vara, dar trebuie totusi sa ai grija de pielea ta sensibila care de sase luni a vazut doar nori si ploaie. Deci vei avea nevoie clar de balsamul de plaja cu protectie solara 25+ de la Soap Bazar. Contine unt de cacao deci vei prinde si un bronz ciocolatiu de invidiat.
3. You are going to sit a lot directly in the sun. You know this and you wished for it, but you still have to care for your sensitive skin that was exposed only to clouds and rain in the last few months. So you'll need the beach balm with SPF 25+  from  Soap Bazar. It contains cocoa butter so you will get a nice chocolate tan 

4. Nu uita sa mananci! In agitatia si entuziasmul de acolo s-ar putea sa iti scada glicemia. Asa ca baga in geanta si cateva batoane raw cu musli facute de Naturalshop. Sunt hranitoare, sanatoase si sigur foarte delicioase
4. Don't forget to eat! In all that fuss your blood sugar level might get really low. So grab a few raw musli bars made by Naturalshop. They are nutritious. healthy and super yummy

5. Dupa vreo doua zile de soare, praf si dormit prin iarba parul tau isi va cere dreptul de a fi curat. Sau macar de a se aseza intr-un mod acceptabil in jurul fetei tale. S-ar putea sa nu ai posibilitatea de a face un dus, de aceea e bine sa ai la tine un sampon uscat de la Lavandine care te va salva de la un "bad hair day"
5. After a few days of sun, dust and sleeping in the grass your hair will want to be clean. Or at least sit nicely around your face. It might not be possible to take a shower there, that's why you must have Lavandine's dry shampoo in your bag. It will save you from a possible bad hair day

6. Stiu ca pare o risipa de timp, dar trebuie sa si dormi. Si cum toata seara va fi dedicata socializarii si dansului, o vei putea face doar spre dimineata. Trage pe ochi masca de somn a lui Peticel si bucura-te de cateva ore de odihna
6. I know it might seem like a waste of time, but you need to sleep. And because you will dance and socialize the whole night you won't be able to get some sleep until the morning. Pull the sleeping mask that Peticel made for you over your eyes and rest for a few hours. 

7. Problema festivalurilor e ca se intampla atat de multe intr-un timp foarte scurt si te trezesti la sfarsit ca nu iti mai amintesti cum se numea melodia aia din prima seara sau numarul de telefon al tipei care facea bratarile alea faine. Asa ca ia cu tine un jurnal in care sa iti notezi pe loc tot ce ti se pare important...sau amuzant...sau doar dragut. Dar pentru ca deja ai geanta plina de lucruri, ia un jurnal mini de la alchemy, hot pink bineinteles!
7. The problem with these festivals is that there is so much going on in such a short time. And in the end you realize you forgot the name of that funky song from the first night or the phone number of that girl that makes those awesome bracelets. So take a journal with you and write down everything important, or funny...or just cute. But because you already have a full bag with all those other items, grab a mini from alchemy, in hot pink of course

8. Toti prietenii te striga "creata", dar s-ar putea sa nu fi singura cu carliontii in vand de acolo. Asa ca fa-te usor de reperat printre miile de oameni si poarta o coronita de flori super boho-chic din magazinul meu, un accesoriu must-have la astfel de evenimente
8. All your firends call you "curly", but there you might not be the only one with her curls in the wind. So stand out from the crowd, wear a flower crown from my shop. It's super boho-chic, a must have for these evets

Dupa ce te-ai inarmat cu toate produsele handmade din lista de mai sus, e timpul sa iti pui pe fata cel mai mare zambet al tau si sa pornesti la drum.
Now that you packed all these handmade items, it's time for you to put a big smile on that pretty face and hit the road.
Distractie placuta!
Have fun!

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