denim + dantela = ❤/denim + lace = ❤


Pana acum la garderoba "facuta de mana" nu am adaugat decat bluzele ombre si parca nu se cade sa iesim jumate dezbracate pe strada. Asa ca astazi facem si niste pantaloni.

Poate ati vazut deja ca magazinele sunt pline de jeansi scurti care mai decare mai colorati sau decolorati, uzati, cu tinte, cu flori, cu franjuri. Iar daca i-ati vazut sigur ati observat si ca nu sunt foarte ieftini. Nu stiu cum gandesc altii, dar mie nu prea imi vine sa dau atatia bani pe o haina gata rupta. Mai bine o iau intreaga, o port pana se rupe si apoi o port in continuare sub pretextul ca e trendy.

Asa se transforma de obicei in dulapul meu jeansii lungi in pantaloni scurti. Dar pentru ca sunt deja cativa ani de cand nu mai detin o pereche de jeansi si pentru ca imi place foarte mult acest nou trend al jeansilor "transformati" am decis sa imi cumpar o pereche si sa o modific dupa placul meu. Norocul meu este ca in Timisoara exista o "piata de vechituri" unde gasesti de toate, inclusiv jeansi nou nouti care iti vin perfect la doar 5 lei din care poti face asa ceva:

Up until now, the only things in my hand-made wardrobe were the ombre shirts, and it seems a bit out of place to go out on the street half-naked. So today, let’s also do some pants.

Maybe you’ve already noticed that the stores and full of short jeans, some colored and some bleached, worn, with studs, flowers and fringed. And if you’ve noticed that, you’ve surely also noticed they are not exactly cheap. I don’t know about others, but I don’t really feel like paying a lot of money for clothes that are already ripped. I’d rather buy them whole and wear them until they tear and then keep wearing them because they become trendy.

That’s how the jeans in my closet usually turn into shorts. But because I haven’t owned a pair of jeans for a few years now, and because I really like this new trend of revamping jeans, I decided to buy a pair and modify them as I please. I’m lucky because Timisoara has a flea market where you can find everything you could imagine, including brand new jeans that fit perfectly and cost around 1 and a half Euros which you can turn into this:

Sa inceapa transformarea! Iata de ce aveti nevoie:

Let the revamping begin! Here’s what you need:

Asa cum am spus, jeansii i-am luat din piata cu 5 lei si tot cam atat a fost si sticla de clor. Dantela este din bumbac si este vintage si o aveam prin casa de la bunica mea. Ata de brodat este si ea destul de ieftina, 2 lei. Iar foarfeca si smirghelul sunt si ele lucruri pe care sigur le aveti prin casa. Smirghelul este optional, eu in final nu l-am mai folosit, dar va poate ajuta sa dati aspectul acela rupt si uzat. Nu trebuie decat sa frecati de cateva ori cateva zone de material, pana incepe sa se destrame usor. Nu foarte mult caci se vor destrama oricum in conitnuare cand ii purtati.


Like I said, the jeans are from the market and they cost a little over 1 Euro, which is also about the price of a chlorine bottle. The macramé is made of cotton and it’s vintage and I had it around the house from my grandmother. The embroider thread is rather cheap too, around 50 Eurocents. And the scissors and sandpaper are things you should have around the house. The sandpaper is optional, I actually ended up not using it, but it can help you to give the jeans a worn and torn look. All you have to do is rub the sandpaper a few times on the parts of the fabric you want, until they start to fringe. Not too much though because they will keep tearing as you wear them anyway.

Shall we begin?

1. Imbracati pantalonii si masurati bine si exact cat de lungi vreti sa ramana. Trebuie sa fiti atenti sa ii taiati drept si egal, de aceea dupa ce ati masurat faceti cateva semne cu creta. Daca ii vreti cu manseta va trebui sa mai adaugati minim 5cm la masuratoare.
2. Taiati cracii panatalonilor pe liniile marcate cu creta. Daca totusi nu sunt chiar egal taiati mai puteti face ajustari. E bine sa lasati mai mult din ei ca sa aveti din ce sa mai taiati la ajustari si sa nu va treziti in final cu o pereche de chiloti in loc de pantaloni scutri.
3. Faceti o solutie din jumatate de litru de clor si un litru de apa. Scufundati jeansii in solutie pana unde vreti sa ii decolorati, timp de 2 ore. Eu am bagat in solutie si dantela pentru ca era usor ingalbenita, dar am scos-o dupa vreo jumatate de ora pentru ca se albise deja si pentru ca daca o lasam mai mult clorul ar fi atacat fibrele si ar fi distrus-o. Dupa cele 2 ore am adaugat in solutie si restul de clor si am ridicat un pic pantalonii astfel incat sa ramana doar o palma in clor, ca sa obtin din nou efectul ombre.
4. Dupa jumatate de ora ii puteti scoate de tot. In momentul acesta probabil nu vor arata foarte decolorati, dar daca ii lasati la uscat la soare veti vedea ca se vor deschide din ce in ce mai tare. Ai mei au ajuns albi in final.
5. Dupa ce s-au decolorat suficient este momentul sa ii clatiti. Va trebui sa folositi din nou o solutie, de data asta din otet alb si apa, otetul va stopa decolorarea. Nu trebuie decat sa ii scufundati de cateva ori in solutia de otet apoi ii puteti spala normal. cu detergent, fie la masina fie de mana. Recomand si clatirea cu balsam pentru ca materialul va fi destul de "scortos" din cauza clorului. Si acum ii lasati din nou la uscat, de data asta complet.
6. Este momentul decorarii. Aici chiar puteti sa dati frau liber imaginatiei si sa improvizati. Puteti adauga datela ca si maseta cum am facut eu, sau sa o fixati la betelie. Puteti prinde niste tinte in zona buzunarelor sau sa ii pictati. Sau puteti broda diverse modele oriunde credeti ca arata bine. Au am ales sa imbrac marginea buzunarelor in ata de brodat, realizand un fel de color-blocking in nuante de albastru.

1. Put on the jeans and measure precisely how long you want to keep them. You must be careful and cut them straight and even, that’s why after you measure you should make a few marks with chalk. If you want to give them a sleeve, you’ll have to add another 5 cm minimum to the measurement.
2. Cut the legs of the jeans on the chalk lines. If they’re not exactly straight you can make adjustments. It’s a good idea to leave a longer leg so you’ll have space to cut and adjust and you won’t end us with a pair of jeans underwear instead of shorts :)
3. Mix half a liter of chlorine with one liter of water. Dip the jeans into the mix up to the level where you want to bleach them, for 2 hours. I also dipped the macramé into the mix because it had gone slightly pale, but I removed it after about half an hour because it had already bleached and had I left it in longer, the chloride would have attacked the fabric and ruined it. After the 2 hours I added the rest of the chloride into the mix and I lifted the jeans a little so that only a about a hand’s width was left in the chloride, to achieve the ombre effect.
4. After another half an hour you can remove them completely. At this time, the jeans probably won’t look very bleached, but if you hang them out to dry at direct sunlight, you’ll see that they will keep getting whiter and whiter. Mine ended up completely white at the end.
5. After they have bleached enough, it’s time to rinse them. You will have to use a new solution, this time made of white vinegar and water, the vinegar will stop the bleaching process. All you have to do is dip the jeans in the vinegar mix a couple of times and then you can wash them normally, with detergent, either by hand or in the washing machine. I recommend rinsing with fabric softener because the material will be rather stiff from the chlorine. And then you leave them out to dry again, until they are completely dry.
6. Time to decorate! Now you can really let your imagination run wild and improvise. You can add the macramé on the sleeve like I did, or attach it to the waist-band. You can attach some studs around the pockets or paint them. Or you can embroider different patterns wherever you think looks nice. I chose to cover the edge of the pockets in embroidery thread, making a sort of color-blocking in blue nuances.

Si iata, aveti o pereche noua si trendy de pantaloni scutri cu doar 15 lei.

And there you have it, a new and trendy pair of short for a total cost of 3 Euros.

Pe curand!

See you soon!

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