Dash Dot Dash Dot Dash Dot Com


Nu stiu cum e pe la voi, dar la Timisoara a tot plouat cateva zile si m-am gandit ca in caz ca se va indrepta si mai spre est sa va pregatesc un tutorial care sa va tina ocupati cat va feriti de picaturile de apa.

Cred ca se poate observa deja ca imi place sa gatesc si uneori chiar imi iese. Dar ce imi place cel mai mult sa fac este sa aranjez mancarea in farfurii, cred ca “artistul” din mine isi spune cuvantul aici. Insa de multe ori nici nu e nevoie de un efort foarte mare daca ai niste farfurii care sunt deja frumoase. Si daca nu le ai, ti le faci! Acum, stiu ca exista miloane de modele de farfurii care mai decare mai complexe si mai decorate si la indemana oricui, dar pe acest principiu blogul meu nu ar mai avea un scop si in plus te vei simti minunat cand vei spune musafirilor curiosi ca farfuriile din fata lor sunt unicat si facute chiar de tine.

I don’t know what the weather is like where you live, but it Timisoara it’s been raining for a couple of days and I was thinking, in case the rain clouds head east, to put together a tutorial that will keep you busy while taking refuge from the rain drops.

I think it’s already becoming clear that I like to cook and sometimes it actually works. But what I like the most is plating, I suppose the artist in me has something to do with this. But sometimes plating is really easy if you have some plates which are already beautiful. And if you don’t, you can make some! Now I know that there’s a million different types of decorated plates that anyone can get their hands on, but by this principle, my blog would no longer have a purpose, and besides you will feel wonderful when you tell curious guests that the plates in front of them are unique and handmade by you.

Fara sa o mai lungim, iata de ce aveti nevoie:
Long story short, here’s what you need:

Farfurii simple, albe, vopsea pentru ceramica sau sticla, cu uscare la aer, un creion cu radiera in capat si un liniar.

Simple, white plates, paint for ceramics or glass, air drying, a crayon with an eraser at the other end and a ruler.

Vopseaua pe care am folosit-o eu era vopsea contur, adica era in aceste tubulete cu varful ascutit, ideale pentru realizarea de contururi.

The paint that I’ve used was contour paint, which means that it’s in a tube with a pointy end, ideal for making outlines.

1. Spalati bine farfuriile, sa fie curate si degresate. Cat timp asteptati sa se usuce, puteti face cateva teste cu vopselele si uneltele de aplicare. Incercati pe o hartie fiecare optiune si vedeti cu ce se aplica mai bine.
2. Incepeti si acopertiti cu buline una din farfurii. Puteti realiza un model repetitiv, sau sa le aplicati la intamplare, doar pe o portiune a farfuriei sau pe toata. Pentru buline puteti folosi radiera unui creion sau betisoarele cu vata. Eu am ajuns la concluzia ca betisoarele sunt mai bune, dar depinde mult si de tipul de vopsea.
3. Realizati inca un model cu linii. Incercati si sa trasati cateva linii pe hartie pentru a vedea cum se aplica vopseaua direct din tub. N-am putut niciodata sa trasez o linie dreapta asa ca m-am ghidat cu ajutorul metrului de croitorie. Daca nu le vreti neaparat paralele le puteti face cu mana libera.

1. Wash your plates thoroughly, to have them clean and without grease. While you wait for them to dry, you can make a few tests with the paint and the application tools. Try each version on a piece of paper and see what applies best.
2. Start covering one of the plates with dots. You can make a repetitive pattern, or apply them randomly, on just one portion of the plate or on all of it. For the dots you can use the eraser of a pencil or with ear Q-tips I decided that Q-tips are better, but it really depends on the type of paint.
3. Make another line pattern. Try to trace a few lines on paper to see how the paint applies directly from the tube. I could never draw a straight line so I used a tailoring meter. If you don’t want them parallel, you can go freehand.

Si asa vor arata noile voastre farfurii. Daca aveti o dupamasa intreaga la dispozitie va puteti face doua seturi intregi pentru ca nu dureaza mai mult de 10min/farfurie.

And that’s what your new plates will look like. If you have an entire afternoon at your disposal, you can make two complete sets because it doesn’t take longer than 10minutes/plate.

Abia astept sa vad imagini cu modelele realizate de voi asa ca va invit sa folositi cu incredere zone de comentarii.

Pe curand!

I can’t wait to see pictures of the patterns made by you so I invite you to use the comments section.

See you soon!

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